2023 Community Read

Free copies of This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger, the 2023 SP CAN Community Read title, are available at both Sauk Prairie libraries. Discussions and other events will occur in October (see schedule below). For more information please email spcan535 [at] gmail.com or find SP CAN on Facebook.

Schedule of Events:

Wednesday, October 25, 6:00pm: Screening of the film Indian Horse at Ruth Culver Community Library
An adaptation of Ojibway writer Richard Wagamese’s award-winning novel, this moving and important drama sheds light on the dark history of Canada’s boarding schools or Indigenous Residential Schools and the indomitable spirit of aboriginal people.

Thursday, October 5, 6:30pm: Community Read Discussion at Ruth Culver Community Library

Tuesday, October 10, 1:00pm: Community Read Discussion at George Culver Community Library

Monday, October 16, 6:00pm: Speaker Janice Rice at Ruth Culver Community Library
This talk touches on ancient culture, treaty era, removal, and revitalization of the Ho-Chunks. Janice Rice is a member of Ho-Chunk Nation & is a retired librarian with a focus on American Indian resources, literature, culture, history, language preservation & revitalization.

For further reading and viewing:

Native American and Indigenous Fiction

Native American and Indigenous Non-Fiction

Native American and Indigenous Films


Brought to you by: The Sauk Prairie Area Chamber of Commerce, St. John's Lutheran Church, Free Congregation of Sauk County, SP Optimists, Friends of the Ruth Culver Community Library, Friends of the George Culver Community Library, Sauk Prairie Area Literacy Council